'We believe that every individual has the right to be valued, respected and offered equal opportunities, access and treatment. STEP Academy Trust is committed to providing an inclusive and diverse culture and to eradicating discrimination and stereotyping to make our Academies truly inclusive and promote high achievement for all.'
At Breakwater Academy, staff and children are proud to champion Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Our aim is to give visibility to the different layers of representation that exist in our school community and wider society. There is not a hierarchy, however we make equitable decisions to level the playing field or find balance where historically we have seen a lack of representation.
This is evident in our school in many ways: in our PSHE learning; in the rich texts we read by a range of authors with varied backgrounds; in our assemblies; and through the work done by our Pupil Parliament.
Race and Conscious Equality (RACE) Charter Mark is for schools wishing to demonstrate their commitment to action and improvement in relation to race equality in all aspects of their work, as educators, employers and community leaders.
Developed by SSAT (the Schools, Students and Teachers network), the Race and Conscious Equality (RACE) Charter Mark is for schools, academies and colleges, both in the state and private sectors, in the UK who wish to demonstrate their commitment to action and improvement in relation to race equality in all aspects of their work as educators, employers and community leaders.
Breakwater Academy is proud to say we have been awarded the prestigious 'Bronze RACE Charter Mark'.
Breakwater Academy has been awarded the 'Rights Respecting Schools' Bronze Award. This award recognises the school’s achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into practice within the school and beyond. We are now working towards achieving the Silver Award.
Each month in our school, we focus on a different aspect of Equality, Diverstiy and Inclusion. During our daily assemblies, children will learn about key figures who represent a variety groups within our society, as well as find out about significant historical events, and consider current affairs relating to each theme.