In today's increasingly interconnected world, the ability to communicate in multiple languages is an important skill. Learning a foreign language opens doors to new cultures and perspectives; prepares children for future success in a globalized society and encourages them to think hard about the structure and complexities of their own native language. The inclusion of Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) in the primary curriculum is a worthwhile endeavour that offers benefits to young learners. At Breakwater Academy, we do this by teaching French from Year 3 onwards.
The Primary National Curriculum for Languages highlights the purpose of studying a foreign language as a "liberation from insularity and [providing] an opening to other cultures." By introducing children to a new language during their time at primary school, they develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for diverse cultures, fostering curiosity and broadening their perspectives.
Modern Foreign Languages education fosters a deeper appreciation for diversity and intercultural understanding as pupils engage with authentic sources, such as songs and poems, and cultural traditions. This not only enriches their personal growth but also equips them with the emotional intelligence and cross-cultural competencies essential for navigating a multicultural society.
As primary school pupils are novice learners, focusing on the basics of language knowledge in the curriculum provides a clear pathway for their development that considers the building blocks of language acquisition: phonics, vocabulary, and grammar. Pupils will begin by listening and speaking before they learn to decode and read and finally they write sentences that are constructed using high-utility verbs and vocabulary.
The curriculum is designed in this way with the aim to equip pupils with the ability to "understand and respond to spoken and written language". In addition to this, it provides ample opportunities to revisit and practice pronunciation and vocabulary, allowing for the efficient embedding of knowledge in long-term memory.
By incorporating MFL into the primary curriculum, we provide children with a valuable skill set that will serve them well in their future in addition to laying the foundations for the ability to communicate in multiple languages will undoubtedly be an asset.
Subject Documents |
French Overview |